Worldwide screening - 100 cinemas remember

Bruno Schulz

Connecting memories all over the world – Be part of it!

We are happy to provide the DCPs for trailer and feature film for the project.

The DCPs will be available via Aspera data transfer in combination with our software SHARC Download.
All you need is a PC (Windows or Linux) and an internet line with a speed of 10Mbit/s or more.

Using our service and software is free of charge as we are working in order of the Main Organizer Benjamin Geissler Filmproduktion.

Installation of our software takes only 10 minutes and is supported by us. A detailed installation guide can be found here.

For all your questions and request for the DCPs you can send us an e-mail to

We are looking forward to the cooperation with you.

Best regards,
CinePostproduction GmbH